- Statehouse Report – 02/14/2025
The South Carolina Fraternal Order of Police is committed to keeping law enforcement officers informed about legislative developments that impact our profession. This page provides weekly updates on key activities at the South Carolina Statehouse, including our legislative priorities, bills we support, and legislation we are monitoring. We actively advocate for policies that enhance officer safety, strengthen law enforcement resources, and protect the rights of those who serve.
We sent a letter to members of the Senate Finance Committee Retirement Systems Subcommittee in support of Senate Bill 127 which allows Catawba Nation Police Force to join the Police Officers Retirement System.
Our top legislative initiatives aimed at strengthening law enforcement and public safety in South Carolina.
H.3437 Reps. Pope et. al. Return to Work (Critical Need) for Law Enforcement Referred To Ways and Means H.3542 Rep. Williams Lifting the cap if retires before January 2, 2026 Referred To Ways and Means S.107 Senator Rice Retirement Earnings Limitation – Raises cap to about $22,320. Referred To Finance S.118 Senator Adams Constables Not Subject to Earnings Limitation Referred To Finance S.119 Senator Adams Lifts the 10,000 Earnings Limitation with 90 Days separation Referred To Finance RETIREE PENSION COLA INCREASES & TAX BREAKS
S.64 Senator Hembree Retirement Income Tax Deduction for First Responders Referred To Finance H.3410 Rep. Hardee Property (Vehicle) Tax Exemption for Former First Responders Referred To Ways and Means H.3416 Rep. Kilmartin Retirement income Tax Deduction for First Responders Referred To Ways and Means PROTECTING LAW ENFORCEMENT K9s
H.3034 Reps. Collins and Wooten Enhanced penalties for injuring police animals Referred to Judiciary
Awaiting Subcommittee HearingHALO PROTECTION
H.3535 Reps. Wooten et. al. Creates 25 foot buffer for law enforcement Referred to Judiciary
Awaiting Subcommittee HearingS.175 Senator Zell Creates 25 foot buffer for law enforcement Referred To Judiciary NON-FATAL STRANGULATION LAW
H.3522 Reps. Caskey et. al. Defines Strangulation Referred to Judiciary
Awaiting Subcommittee HearingLEGISLATION WE SUPPORT
Bills that align with our mission and directly benefit law enforcement officers and their families.
Bill # Sponsor(s) Description Status H.3003 Reps. Collins and Beach Officer Matthew Logan Hare Memorial Avenue Passed The House – Sent to Senate – Referred To Transportation in the Senate H.3052 Reps. Pope and Wooten Enhanced Penalties for Assault on Law Enforcement Officer Referred to Judiciary H.3053 Reps. Pope et. al. Violent Crimes, Discharging Firearms into Dwellings Referred to Judiciary H.3055 Reps Wooten et. al Harassment and Stalking Referred to Judiciary H.3093 Rep. Moss Enhanced Penalties for Assaulting a First Responder or Healthcare Worker Referred to Judiciary H.3124 Reps. Pope et. al. Exposing First Responders to Fentanyl Referred to Judiciary H.3127 Rep. Robbins, Wooten and Lawson Failure to Stop Referred to Judiciary (General Laws Subcommittee)
Reported Favorably – Sent to Full Judiciary
To Be Heard by House Judiciary Committee Tuesday, February 18H.3159 Rep. Yow Allows Retired Officer to Carry a Concealed Weapon Referred to Judiciary H.3176 Rep. Davis Enhanced Penalties for Failure to Stop Referred to Judiciary H.3258 Reps. Pope et. al. Requires Department of Education to Install Mobile Panic Alert Systems in All Public Schools Referred to Education and Public Works H.3259 Reps. Pope and Gilliam First Responder Automobile Insurance Premiums Referred to Labor, Commerce and Industry
Scheduled to be heard Wednesday, Feb 19 at 9am
in Room 403 BlattH.3261 Reps. Pope and Gilliam Workers’ Comp to Include Coverage for PTSD for First Responders Referred to Labor, Commerce and Industry H.3276 Reps. Pope et. al. South Carolina Hands Free Act Referred to Judiciary (General Laws Subcommittee)
Reported Favorably –
Sent to Full Judiciary
Scheduled to be heard by House Judiciary Committee Tuesday, February 18, one Hour After Adjournment of the House, in
Room 516 BlattH.3281 Reps. McCravy et. al. Fallen First Responders Advocate Position Referred to Judiciary H.3392 Rep. Moss Enhanced Penalties for Assaulting a Healthcare Worker or Emergency Response Employee Referred to Judiciary H.3295 Rep. Hardy Release of Vehicle Location Information to Law Enforcement Agency in Emergency Situations. Referred to Judiciary H.3315 Rep. Collins Authorize Correctional Officers to Serve Warrants without Magistrate Endorsing the Warrant. Referred to Judiciary H.3363 Rep. B. Newton, et.al. Catawba Nation to Become An Employer Under PEBA. Referred To Ways and Means H.3460 Rep. Wooten Disclosure of Electronic Communication to Law Enforcement, Solicitors and Attorney General Referred to Judiciary
Referred to Judiciary – Subcommittee Reported Favorable (Feb. 13, 2025)H.3461 Rep Lawson Excludes First Responder Wages from SC Gross Income Referred To Ways and Means H.3650 Reps. G.M. Smith et. al. Discharging Firearms into Dwellings and other Structures Scheduled to be heard Wednesday, Feb. 12 @ 9am in room 515 Blatt S.71 Senator Hembree Enhanced Penalties for Assault and Battery Against a Law Enforcement Officer Referred to Judiciary S.74 Senator Hembree Disclosure of Electronic Communications and Other Records Read Third Time and Sent to House and referred to House
JudiciaryS.111 Senator Rice Enhanced Penalties for Vehicle Pursuit Referred To Transportation S.127 Senator Johnson Adds Catawba Nation to PORS Referred To Finance – Subcommittee Reported
Legislative proposals we are tracking to assess their potential impact on law enforcement and public safety.
Bill # Sponsor(s) Description Status H.3016 Rep. Rutherford Interrogation of Child Referred to Judiciary H.3068 Rep. Rutherford Revised forfeiture procedures Referred to Judiciary H.3126 Rep. Pope Creation of the South Carolina Department of Law Enforcement and Public Safety Referred to Judiciary H.3131 Rep. Rutherford Disallows Law Enforcement from Purchasing Cell Site Simulator Referred to Judiciary H.3133 Rep. Rutherford Disallows Law Enforcement from Stopping Vehicles that don’t have License Plate Illumination Referred to Education and Public Works H.3134 Rep. Rutherford Disallows Law Enforcement from Purchasing Cell Site Simulator Referred to Judiciary H.3139 Rep. Rutherford Certification of Law Enforcement Officers Referred to Judiciary H.3155 Rep. Rutherford Automatic License Plate Readers Referred to Judiciary H.3170 Rep. Beach Unlawful to Drive Vehicles with Drivers’ Licenses Not Recognized. Referred to Education and Public Works H.3283 Rep. Long CWP on College Campuses Referred to Judiciary H.3285 Rep. Landing Education of Law Enforcement Officers or EMS to Include Training Course in Autism Referred to Judiciary H.3288 Rep. J.L. Johnson Allows Persons who are Subjects of Body Camera Video Data to Receive Footage by Simple Request. Referred to Judiciary H.3289 Rep. J.L. Johnson Include 911 Operators as “First Responders” Referred to Ways and Means H.3378 Rep. Burns et al. Exempt All Property from Taxation and Provide Dollar-for-Dollar Reimbursement to Political Subdivisions Referred To Ways and Means H.3421 Rep. Long Retirement Investment Commission Cannot Invest Funds with China Referred To Ways and Means H.3794 Reps. Mitchell and Pope Allow Public Defender Investigators to Carry Concealable Weapons Referred To Judiciary H.3799 Reps. Wooten et. al. Law Enforcement Officer Certificates of Compliance Referred To Judiciary H.3806 Reps. Hart and Henderson-Meyers Driving While Using Wireless Communication Devices Referred To Judiciary H.3855 Reps. Huff et. al. Sales Tax Exemption for Small Arms and Small Arms Ammunition Referred To Ways and Means H.3868 Reps. J. Moore et. al. Sale, Exchange or Transfer of Firearms Require National Instant Criminal Background Checks Referred To Judiciary S.8 Senator Jackson Training Council to Set Policies and Procedures for Vehicle Pursuits Referred To Judiciary S.90 Senator Young Hands Free Act Referred To Transportation S.126 Senator Johnson Relating to Definitions, so as to Include Additional Information in the Definition of “Personal Contact Information” and to Define “Disclosed Records” Referred to Judiciary S.136 Senator Tedder Dismissal of Pending Gun Possession Charges Referred to Judiciary Scheduled to be heard on February 18 at 3pm in Room
105 GressetteS.142 Senator Devine Requires CJA to Develop Use of Force Model Policy, Qualified Immunity Referred To Judiciary S.145 Senator Devine Constitutional Carry/Second Amendment Preservation Act Repeal Referred To Judiciary S.149 Senator Devine Juvenile Justice Reform Act Referred To Judiciary S.270 Senators Alexander et. al. Define Attempted Murder Referred To Judiciary LEGISLATIVE INTRODUCTIONS
House and Senate Legislation Introduced this Week
Bill # Sponsor(s) Description Status S.338 Senators Climer and Kimbrell Second Amendment Privacy Act Referred to Judiciary H.4005 Reps. Henderson-Meyers et. al. Driving Under the Influence Referred To Judiciary H.4011 Rep. Erickson Department of Motor Vehicles – “Temporary Driving Certificate” Referred To Education and Public Works H.4013 Reps. J.E. Johnson et. al. Automated License Plate Readers Referred To Education and Public Works